Saturday, December 20, 2014

Where is that 'Recycle bin'... ?

Ok. This 1 comes out of a series of situations involving avoiding a lot of things. Human mind is a complex thing. I started discovering this fact when I stepped into the computers line. Its either Yottabytes of Yottabytes (about 1,007,438,183,012,190,978,921 pages of plaintext containing 1,200 characters each) of huge storage capacity or it has a really really advanced Software that manages any amount of varying memory in a most efficient way. Can you imagine that! Because even the largest supercomputer that has been developed gets filled at some point. But this little thing right here can process and store, and retain...  minutest of observations of day-to-day life as well as tough emotional issues and working life data and social life problems and still give all its capacity to the task at hand. I mean, where is all that stuff getting stored! I can still remember the baby basket in which my mom kept my clothes, and I can't figure out how that is even possible. Huh.. !

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